Monday, February 18, 2008

Ft. Worth

Well, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. Time has gotten away from me!

The kids have been doing great! We went to Ft. Worth several weeks ago and took the kids to the rodeo and stock show! They loved it. Tatum entered the mutten bustin' (sp?) and had a ball!! We stayed downtown in cowtown and got to do lots of great shopping and eating! Carson had a sale at Superior in which he sold our own calves. They topped the market that day!!!! We were thrilled! Best of all, we got to witness the sale at the stockyards and we were even on T.V.! It was a great experience..

The kids loved the stock show and all of the animals. It was really neat. We didn't pass by hardly any single person without them commenting on how cute the kids looked. They were all cowboy'd up!! Wyatt even stopped at the boot shop to get his boots polished! WOW! That was so neat for him. They did great and it was a fun trip!

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