Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Playhouse

Tatum asked if she could scramble me some eggs, (again!). She loves to cook and told me she's the best cook in the world! We're going to bake cookies after her nap.
Wyatt and Tatum are playing SO well together lately. I am so grateful. They're best friends and I love that they have each other. They played outside yesterday, in the playhouse. I was spying on them and they were pretending to sell "things". Tatum purchased a shotgun from Wyatt for "50 dollars, Mom!" What a steal! Then one of them would run outside of the playhouse, around to the window and pretend to order something. One time I went to the window and Wyatt opened it. He told me, "Sorry Sir. But we're not open today!" As he slammed the window in my faced and laughed hysterically. Carson and I were actually able to watch the football game on Sunday while they played outside in the playhouse. After a while, Wyatt asked, "Sir? Would you like to come to the show?" So I went out there and they had their money and table set up and were putting on a show! It was priceless. They were trying to offer me their chairs and hula hoops to play with and I suppose this was part of their 'show'. Anyway, I believe things are looking up and are going to be o.k.

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